World View Global Visit to Republic of Moldova

15-07-19 Munca Daniela 0 comment

A delegation of eleven educators and school administrators from North Carolina (Bertie, Duplin, Greene, Hertford, Hoke, Lee, Perquimans, and Onslow County Public Schools) visited Republic of Moldova on a global study visit. This is a program sponsored by UNC World View and supported by the NC-Moldova Bilateral Partnership. As part of the study visit, the NC educators participated in professional development trainings, visited K-12 schools participating in the NC-Moldova School Partnership Project in Chisinau, Orhei, Cantemir and Soroca regions. They also met with US Ambassador to Moldova Dereck Hogan, the Parliament of Moldova, the State Secretary of Education, the Mayor of Cantemir, local government officials, the District of Education, the English Teaching Resource Center (ETRC) , “Ion Creanga” State Pedagogical University, and the Moldova State Library “B.P.Hasdeu”. The NorthCarolina educators were delighted to discover a special “North Carolina Collection” of books in each school and library they visited. The students and teachers in Moldova treasure these English textbooks and teaching materials donated by North Carolina. Special thanks to all of the NC – Moldova Partnership volunteers and partners who made this donation possible.

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